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Species Sympistis atricollaris - Hodges#10128

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A new species of Sympistis Hübner from Sapelo Island, Georgia, USA (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Oncocnemidinae)
By James K. Adams, B. Christian Schmidt
ZooKeys 788: 79-86, 2018
Full text (PDF)

A new cryptic Sympistis from eastern North America revealed by novel larval phenotype and host plant ...
By Brigette Zacharczenko, David Wagner, Mary Jane Hatfield
ZooKeys 379 : 93-107, 2014
Full title:
A new cryptic Sympistis from eastern North America revealed by novel larval phenotype and host plant association (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Oncocnemidinae)

Abstract & PDF

New Oncocnemis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from the Pacific Northwest
By Jim Troubridge, Lars Crabo
Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia, 95: 33-51, 1998

A generic realignment of the Oncocnemidini [sensu] (Hodges, 1983) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Oncocnemidinae), .....
By J. T. Troubridge
Zootaxa 1903: 1-95., 2008
A generic realignment of the Oncocnemidini sensu (Hodges, 1983) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Oncocnemidinae), with description of a new genus and 50 new species.

Abstract and order

Supp. Document S2: Collection data, life histories, and expanded discussion of taxonomic implications, in Keegan et al. (2021)
By Wagner, D.L., and K.L. Keegan
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5(3): 1-24., 2021
This is a supplementary document associated with Keegan et al. 2021 (1) containing life history information for various noctuids discussed in Keegan et al. 2021 (1)

Toward a Stable Global Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) Taxonomy
By Keegan, K.L., Rota, J., Zahiri, R., Zilli, A., Wahlberg, N., Schmidt, B.C., Lafontaine, J.D., Goldstein, P.Z., Wagner, D.L.
Insect Systematics and Diversity, 5(3): 1-24., 2021

Noctuoidea Noctuidae (Part) Pantheinae, Raphiinae, Balsinae, Acronictinae
By Schmidt, B.C. & G.G. Anweiler
The Moths of North America, 2020
Schmidt, B.C. & G.G. Anweiler, 2020. Noctuidae (Part) Pantheinae, Raphiinae, Balsinae, Acronictinae. The Moths of North America, Fascicle 25.4: 1-479

Order from Wedge Entomological Research Foundation - $115.

479 pages, 130 species accounts, 31 color plates, 44 monochrome plates. Hardbound. ISBN 978-0-9796633-4-5. Published in 2020 by the Wedge Entomological Research Foundation.

The New World Noctuidae of the subfamilies Pantheinae (10 genera, 34 species), Raphiinae (1 genus, 1 species), Balsinae (1 genus, 3 species), and Acronictinae (5 genera, 92 species) are revised. With the exception of the Neotropical Pantheinae genera Lichnoptera Herrich-Schaffer, Gaujonia Dognin and Bathyra Walker, 130 species are treated, 102 of which occur in the United States and/or Canada; 26 are restricted to Mexico and/or Central America; one Eurasian species that could occur in Alaska/Yukon, and one European species that has been introduced as a biological control agent. Four new genera are described, two new subgenera of the genus Acronicta Ochsenheimer are proposed, fifteen new species are described, and one new subspecies is described. Six neotypes and 18 lectotypes are designated, and eleven species are subsumed into synonymy. Two species are raised from synonymy. Genitalia, dot range maps and adults are illustrated, the latter in colour. Colour larval photographs for 77 species are also provided.

A tale of two caterpillars and reclassification of Cerathosia Smith and Cydosia Duncan [& Westwood] (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
By David L. Wagner, Kevin L. Keegan, Berry B. Nall, Valerie G. Bugh, Jadranka Rota
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society, 73(1): 1-4, 2019

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