Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Jim Moore, Contributor
E-mail address:
Jim Moore
City, state, country:
Westwood, California, Lassen County

My interest in "bugs" goes back to when I was a kid. I am currently photographing invertebrate animals from Northeastern CA - where The Cascade mountain range meets the Sierra Nevada range, and ajacent to the Great Basin.
The Bug Guide website has helped me to ID many specimens. I think it is time to start sharing some of the critters from this area. My thanks to all!
April 13, 2010
Drepanulatrix nevadaria Drepanulatrix nevadaria
Update - April 13, 2011
One year has gone by, from this day, since I added my first "bug" photo, a moth shown above, to the Bug Guide! I wish to express my sincere thanks to all the contributors, experts, and especially the contributing editors, who have provided ID's, good advice, patience, and compliments on my images, during the last year.
The results, thus far, can be viewed via the list of links to thumbnails of various groups listed below. A more detailed listing of the invertebrates of the Mountain Meadows Basin can be view at my website "here".
The camera that I have been using, since 2010, is a Cannon PowerShot A2000 IS point-and-shoot camera.
For those who might be interested in how I take my bug photos, I have created a step by step guide on how to get fairly nice photos with a point and shoot camera, within a simple self made Bug Studio, with tips and tricks on how to photograph live insects and other invertebrates. Just click on the following link:
Simple Indoor Insect Photography with a Point and Shoot Camera
                                      Bugs of the Mountain Meadows Basin
  Click on linked names below to view photos of named group
A panoramic view looking northwards over the Mountain Meadows Basin showing Mountain Meadows Reservoir, the town of Westwood near the center, and the Cascade Mountain Range on the horizon. Lassen Volcanic National Park is situated on the left horizon line. I took this photo from the Westwood Overlook, a mountain ridge on the northern edge of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Almost all my "bugs" shown in the photo-links listed above have been found within this mountain basin (elevation averaging about 5100'). Most of these bugs are probably also found within the adjacent Lake Almanor Chester Basin (elevation about 4500') located 6-10 miles west of Westwood.
              Beetles       Wasps       Bees       Flies       Moths       Bugs       Grasshoppers       Other Insects       Other Insects    
"Wherever we go in the mountains, or indeed in any of God's wild fields, we find more than we seek." - John Muir - My First Summer in the Sierra (1911)(Aug 4th entry)