Retired from Texas Instruments as physicist turned manager, mostly in corporate finance and planning.
Reasonably serious amateur photographer.
Since 2001, we have been restoring and preserving natural habitat on our property of 115 acres in central Texas, where we live full time. Fortunately we are surrounded by many other property owners with similar goals, some with much larger acreage. Almost all submitted images come from our property.
I use Sony A700, A900, and A99 A99markII camera bodies. Most images here use Minolta 100mm macro, minolta 200mm macro or Sigma 180mm macro lenses. Others are cropped images from telephoto lenses used to get stand-off distance. Some use conventional flash with diffuser or macro twin flash.
Texas Master Naturalist since 2005, charter member of Rio Brazos Chapter.
Member of Chalk Mountain Wildlife Management Association as part of the Texas Parks and Wildlife private lands programs. (This is NOT a euphemism for hunting and fishing development.)
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, you must contact and request a license from this contributor for any use.
I have granted permission to Moth Photographers Group to display on plates at Moth Photographers Group web site any photos of moths/larvae that I post on BugGuide.Net