I am a retiree with no background in entomology, or any other biological science. I just want to learn a bit more about the little critters that co-inhabit our world with us. I started photographing "bugs" for the purpose of identification in 2011. After three years of accumulating unidentified and misidentified images, I figure it is time to ask for help from the BugGuide community. Hopefully, I will make some contribution to BugGuide in return.
My equipment consists of a Canon EOS T2i with a 55-250mm zoom lens. I do not have a macro lens. My "close-ups" are from about 3 feet away. It is not the best of equipment to get details of the small subjects.
Added the following in January 2015 to allow closer focus:
1) OPTEKA AF Extension Tube Set
2) Canon 500D Close-up Lens
Created: 4/30/2014
Modified: 4/10/2015
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